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Dungeon Packers #2

Mutated goblins! (do we have your attention?)

These low-level monsters are common occurrences in TTRPG adventures aimed at new players, and for good reason. Something about these creatures screams classic fantasy.

The dungeon below brings goblins to new life with some strange mutations and eerie ambiance. The lesson to be learned: if certain creatures or themes in your TTRPG game feel stale, mix it up with some creativity!

The map for this dungeon comes from Dyson’s Dodecahedron, which is a great source of maps for your games. You can view the original map with Dyson’s flavor text here.

The following dungeon is written for Goodman Games’s Dungeon Crawl Classics, and uses resources only found in the Dungeon Crawl Classics Rulebook. The classic and widely-popular adventure, Dungeon Crawl Classics #67: Sailors on the Starless Sea provided some inspiration for this dungeon.

Adventure Prelude 

The ruined fortress above the small village of Twelve Pines has always been a lightning rod for outlaws and vagabonds. Local gossips have even reported seeing a ghost or werewolf on particularly dark nights. However, none of the previous occupants had ever bothered the villagers. Until recently…

A clan of small halfling-like creatures, with mottled skin of various hues, have moved into the old fortress. The creatures started their raids on the village by taking trinkets and other small items, but then quickly upgraded to stealing livestock and makeshift weapons.

Most recently, the inhabitants of the fort have kidnapped Bertram, the local herbalist and healer. They also completely cleared out his supply of herbs and brews from his small hut.

Since then, the fort has gone deadly quiet, and the raids have stopped. You and your fellow adventurers have been tasked by the village elder to enter the fort and rescue Bertram from the hands of the strange creatures.

GM Background 

A group of goblins, led by a slightly-larger-than-average goblin named Boko, have kidnapped the herbalist Bertram from the village of Twelve Pines.

Once the goblins had secured Bertram in the basement’s Chantry (see Area 11), they began to help themselves to the herbs and mushrooms they raided from Bertram’s home. The large amount of unknown plants consumed and the lingering magic left behind by some of the fort’s former inhabitants (see Cult of the Change Maiden below) caused the goblins to mutate.

This has left the goblin tribe reeling, but it is only a matter of time before they begin to put their changes to good use and begin their raids on the village again.

The Goblins

The goblins inside the fortress use the standard goblin stats found on pg. 417 of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Rulebook, with some changes. As the Judge, you can either choose to roll randomly on the tables below to determine the goblins’ mutation and equipment, or select an option instead.

Some goblins in the adventure have their mutations and equipment already selected. When a goblin is said to have “mutation X,” X refers to the rolled number associated with a particular mutation on the table.

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Cult of the Change Maiden

Several years before the goblins arrived, a cult belonging to the demon lord known as the Change Maiden conducted rituals in the caverns below the ruined fortress. 

While the cultists are long gone, several of the cult’s ceremonial objects remain, and with them a layer of residual magic. While not harmful to the characters, this magic has caused strange changes in the current inhabitants of the fort.

Approaching the Fort 

The steps leading up to the original entrance of the fort provide little in the way of cover. However, PCs moving quickly could potentially surprise the guards in Area 1 and prevent them from raising the alarm.

The goblins in Area 7 and Area 8 may also fire on approaching PCs if the alarm is raised. These goblins are protected by the fort’s arrow slits, and therefore add +5 to their AC when fired at from outside these areas.

The Hidden Entrance

Clever PCs may try to find an alternative route into the fort, but the crumbling rocks that surround the structure on all sides make sneaking difficult. PCs attempting to scout around the fort’s walls must succeed on a DC 10 Agility check. Failing causes enough rocks to clatter to alert the goblins on watch.

PCs sneaking around the walls on the eastern side of the fort easily notice the hole in the wall leading to Area 6. The hole is 15 ft. above the ground, and scaling the wall unaided by equipment requires a DC 10 Strength check to succeed.

Dungeon Map with notes outlining each Area number.

Recommended PC Level: 1

Number of Players: 4-5

Sessions: 1-2

Lighting: Natural lighting, except for Areas 10, 11, and 12. Areas 10 and 11 are lit with torches, and Area 12 is unlit.

Doors: Wooden, DC 10 to break down if barred.

Area 1: Gatehouse

Despite the condition of the rest of the fort, the original entrance remains sturdy and even houses a working portcullis. Stairs in the northwest corner lead to the level above (see Area 7), and the closed wooden door in the western wall opens into a small tunnel of ruined stone.

Two goblins stand guard at the entrance to the fort, but neither are paying much attention. If they become alerted to the approach of the PCs, they will attempt to throw the lever and drop the portcullis. 

Characters directly under the portcullis when it falls must make a DC 10 Reflex save or be pinned by the iron gate, taking 1d6 damage. This damage continues each round until the character is freed. The portcullis can be lifted with a DC 20 Strength check or by several PCs working together.

If possible, the goblins attempt to raise the alarm by blowing a horn and escaping to Area 2.

Area 2: Collapsed Courtyard

This main courtyard of the fortress is dominated by a large sinkhole that leads to the caverns below (see Area 9). Around the east side of the sinkhole is a door leading to Area 3, and characters traveling around the west side of the sinkhole can enter Area 5 or cross a plank bridge to Area 4.

The plank bridge is made for goblins and similar-sized creatures to cross, but has been designed to break if a larger creature attempts to cross it. 

If any non-halfling characters attempt to cross the plank bridge, they must succeed on a DC 10 Reflex save or fall 10’ down for 1d6 damage. A character who succeeds grabs the edge of the hole.

Characters with experience in building or working with wood notice the impending danger.

Once the plank bridge has fallen away, characters must succeed on a DC 5 Strength check to jump the gap. Failure causes the player to fall and take 1d6 damage.

Area 3: Trapped Stairwell

This partially-collapsed stairwell leads to the northeast tower (see Area 6). One goblin has been set here to guard the stairs.

If the alarm has been raised, the goblin guard bars the wooden door, sets a bear trap next to it, and flees to the top of the stairs.

The barred door can be broken open with a DC 10 Strength check, but characters breaking down the door must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity check to avoid stepping on the bear trap immediately inside, taking 1d4 damage if they fail.

A small rack of weapons can be found below the stairs. There are two spears, three shortbows, and 20 arrows that are still in good condition.

Area 4: Hoard Room

The room below the remains of the southwest tower used to be a scullery, but it has been converted into a treasure room for the occupying goblins.

A large pile of various makeshift weapons and shiny objects—including both items of worth and simple shiny trinkets—dominates the center of the room. Several farm animals are also tied up in this space.

Two goblins are actively sorting through the pile and jabbering to each other. While most of the “treasure” is worthless shiny trinkets and common household items, characters sorting through the pile find 2d24 cp, 3d16 sp, and 1d12 gp.

If PCs are looking for a piece of adventuring gear or other mundane items, they must succeed on a Luck check to successfully find the item.

Area 5: Goblin Barracks

This room used to be the barracks for the original residents of the fort, and it is used by the goblins for a similar purpose. A stone spiral staircase in the middle of the room connects to Area 8.

Four unarmed goblins occupy this room, and if the alarm is raised, they attempt to bar themselves inside. Given enough time, they arm themselves with hide armor, shortswords, and shortbows from the armory. If they become overwhelmed, they attempt to flee to the level above.

The goblin clan has successfully ransacked this barracks and converted what remains of the weapons and armor for goblin use; all the armor found here is sized for goblin-sized creatures.

However, two iron lockers seem to be untouched. A character must succeed on a DC 15 Pick Lock check in order to open the lockers. Inside each locker is a set of chainmail, one longsword, and one shield.

Area 6: Northeast Tower

The top of the northeast tower is still mostly intact, save for a hole in the outer wall along the eastern side. Stone and wooden debris have been pushed to the side to make space for individuals keeping watch, except for a large wooden table with five broken chairs surrounding it.

Two goblins armed with shortbows guard the top of this tower, but they aren’t paying attention unless the alarm has been sounded.

Characters climbing through the hole in the wall (see The Hidden Entrance above) are granted a free surprise round before the goblin guards can respond. On their first round of combat, the goblins attempt to raise the alarm by blowing a horn.

The top of the tower is exposed to the elements, so the goblins have left nothing of value here. However, characters inspecting the wooden table find a leather bag attached to the underside. Inside the leather bag is a golden diadem worth 50 gp.

Area 7: Southeast Tower

This tower overlooks the main entrance to the fortress, and the top room was likely used for meetings, as evidenced by the broken remains of a large wooden table in the center.

Two goblins with shortbows stand watch over the path to the main entrance. If the alarm hasn’t been sounded, the goblins are busy watching the road, the one direction they expect an attack to come from. PCs who surprise the goblins in this way are granted a free surprise round before the goblin guards can respond.

On their first round of combat, the goblins attempt to raise the alarm by blowing a horn.

A hole in the western wall of this tower makes it easy for characters to scramble down and access the top level of the southwest tower (see Area 8). Characters can also climb over the wall into Area 6, but must make a DC 8 Strength check to succeed.

Area 8: Southwest Tower

The top level of this tower is filled with the sound of a low whistle as wind cuts perfectly through the broken stones.

The floor would be bare except for several wooden coffins that have been laid out to support the crumbling walls. The lack of deterioration indicates they have been moved here recently. They have all been opened, and now they contain only bones.

Two goblins with shortbows stand watch over the path to the main entrance. If the alarm hasn’t been sounded, the goblins are busy watching the road, the one direction they expect an attack to come from. PCs who surprise the goblins in this way are granted a free surprise round before the goblin guards can respond.

On their first round of combat, the goblins attempt to raise the alarm by blowing a horn.

A hole in the eastern wall of this tower makes it easy for characters to scramble down and access the top level of the southeast tower (see Area 7).

Area 9: Underground Pool

This large cavern is lit by a large hole in the ceiling leading to the fortress’s courtyard (see Area 2), which is connected by a wooden ladder. Along the western wall is a natural spring that provides the fort with fresh water.

Two goblins with mutation 4 (see The Goblins above) are wallowing in the pool provided by the spring. They hide in the pool’s depth when they hear the approach of unfamiliar creatures and attempt to ambush any characters who get too close to the water.

In an alcove in the northwest corner of the cave sits a small stone shrine. Characters must succeed on a DC 15 Intelligence check to identify the idol on the shrine as an effigy of the Change Maiden.

Characters examining the altar notice a small compartment below the table containing a ceremonial knife (dagger). The knife is ornate and worth 75 gp.

A character wielding the dagger may choose to cut themselves with it, dealing 1 damage, and then roll once on the Goblin Mutations table (see above; roll again if they roll an 8). The change lasts for 1 hour. The knife can be used in this way three times before losing this ability.

Area 10: Boko’s Court

The southern chamber of the cavern system has been converted into a makeshift throne room for Boko, and it is currently undergoing renovations. Several wooden coffins have been emptied and nailed together to create a throne for the large goblin. The entire scene is lit by torches.

Boko, surrounded by three goblin lackeys, no longer has the appearance of a goblin. He has been changed so thoroughly and horrifically that he uses bugbear stats found on pg. 397 of the Dungeon Crawl Classics Rulebook. The Judge may roll twice on the Goblin Mutations table to determine what other abilities Boko has gained (see above; roll again if you roll an 8).

If Boko has been alerted to intruders, he and his three goblins snuff the torches and lie in wait for the adventurers.

However, Boko is still a cowardly goblin at heart, and will bargain with the characters if backed into a corner.

Boko’s mace, while nonmagical, is ornate and worth 20 gp.

Area 11: Change Maiden’s Chantry

This cavern is unique as the stone floor in the eastern half is 3’ above the rest of the chamber. On this natural stage is Bertram, shackled with a metal chain to the wall.

Also chained in this chamber are two giant rats (Dungeon Crawl Classics Rulebook, pg. 424), which have grown massively due to the magic in the fort. 

The rats attempt to attack any creature that isn’t a goblin. The rats can freely move within this chamber except for on the stone stage, but their chains prevent them from leaving this chamber.

Area 12: Barred Off Crypt

The entrance to the northernmost chamber in the cave system has been boarded up with wood planks and coffin lids. Graffiti written in Common and Goblin warn readers to stay away. Breaking down the barrier takes 5 minutes divided by the number of characters working together.

This unlit chamber is filled with wooden coffins stacked along the walls and human bones scattered on the floor. As soon as the room is exposed to light, six skeletons (Dungeon Crawl Classics Rulebook, pg. 426) rise out of the coffins and rush the characters. The skeletons are what remains of the Change Maiden’s cultists, and they too have been mutated by her demonic powers. The judge may roll once on the Goblin Mutations table for each skeleton to see what other abilities they possess (see above; roll again if you roll an 8).

The skeletons’ threadbare robes are useless now, but characters examining the coffins find a dusty spell scroll of Nythuul’s Porcupine Coat (Dungeon Crawl Classics Rulebook, pg. 186), which casts as normal.

We hope you and your players enjoyed this dungeon adventure! What fantasy monsters are staples of the genre for you? What monsters do you wish you saw more of? Please send your feedback to or message us on social media. Happy gaming!